Sunday, November 13, 2005 at 3:00 the name of the game a blogger shouldn't play. Apologies for having been late on the updates. The past week proved to be a hectic one (but of course, a lame excuse); Wednesday was the first day of my last semester in UP Diliman. I've also recorded my first sleepless night for the young term -- I wrote and collated a large chunk of our full business plan for the Philippine Emerging Startups Open (PESO) Challenge. (Look for team Rijndael's public summary here.)
Yesterday was the big day for the week, as I attended the Launching of the UP Diliman Department of Computer Science's new abode. Presenting, "Helm's Deep":
Others prefer to call it "Mount Olympus". More specifically, its the new College of Engineering Library and Department of Computer Science Building, slated to be in use by the next academic year. Pity our batch won't be able to use it. (Masteral studies, here I come? Cough, cough.)
Alright, that's enough. Back to business.
Don't you want a Master's degree? I really wanted to, but I got doubts if I can be accepted there.. :(
to fleeb: it's on my mind, definitely, though recently i've been feeling something tugging at me -- writing. creative writing, that is.
why the doubt? from the looks of it (as well as reading your weblog), i know you are a talented programmer and computer scientist. if you're good at math, then UP Diliman's MS CS program won't be a problem for you. :)
and hey, if you do enroll, you'll get to be one of the first users of the spanking new building!
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