Commence the Hostilities
Saturday, May 21, 2005 at 2:02 AMIt was December last year when I began blogging, mainly to hone my writing and for stress management. The journal, Slip of the Pen, has since then drawn a somewhat decent number of visitors to the sometimes angsty, sometimes comical, and mostly personal stories of its blogmaster, yours truly, the Corsarius.
This month marks another milestone for this blogger, as I unveil my second blog — Crimson Crux. This weblog will be the repository of my recent and upcoming pieces of (hopefully) serious tone. Topics? I can't put a finger on them yet, but they might include computer science, information and communication technology, Philippine societal concerns, commentaries on UP, and even the occasional memes. The most relevant of my school paper editorials will also be published here.
While I admit that Crimson Crux will be playing second fiddle to Slip of the Pen, it doesn't mean that the potency and quality of this blog will be diminished. Slip of the Pen is the apple of my eye chiefly because it is about me; Crimson Crux is about the world as I see it through eyes which unfortunately distort it to one which is acquiescent to my opinions. I believe that even before I can pen something about others, I must pen something about myself. Why? Two things:
1) Before you prattle about other humans and their cosmic and likewise puny handiwork (a paradox), you must keep in touch with your own humanity; otherwise, you’ll not be in a state of life, you’ll not even be in a state of death (I am pretty sure you still have a pulse), you’ll just be in a state of unlife; and
2) After all, I am the microcosm of society, and society is the macrocosm of the Corsarius.
There. Enough idle chatter. The rest of my posts will speak for me.
My friends, the Crimson Crux is now officially open for your perusal.
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*pops open a bottle of champagne*
Haloo. Omedetou! ^^ must keep in touch with your own humanity...
Quite the top on my list. With Science filled to the brim in high school and college, I've made it a point to look for that release. And of the Humanities indeed. Because it's a lot more gratifying almost all the time.
But when that has quenched your longing to feel alive, it's then you're ready to spark something new. Once more.
*gulps down the champagne*
hic! thanks, ia-chan. :) you've christened the Crimson Crux. and yes, this blog is another spark of the Corsarius. watch out for more.
blog is great. bureacracy, i hate. how's that for a tuesday morning rhyme?
trans, i'll plagiarize it, thank you. :D hehe, joke.
thanks for dropping by, dear friend.
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